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Articles with tag : IP PHONE

What Is Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)?

Computer telephony integration, or CTI, links computer systems with telephone systems to control how calls are made and received. Think call centers and customer service departments.

Kita semua sudah pasti mendengar tentang istilah IP PBX... Banyak sekarang vendor-vendor yang berjualan IP PBX. Bahkan vendor internet pun sekarang sudah jual IP PBX. IP PBX, kepanjangan dari Internet ...

Although the reasons or timing may vary, every business will at some to need to considering upgrading its current phone system. If you are in this position now, then don’t worry. You’re certainly ...

It’s time. You know that legacy phone system is becoming obsolete and switching to VoIP is the best move: There’s little shortage of benefits, and it makes sense from both administrative and busin ...

You have probably heard unified communications a lot and see some successful adoptions, but are still evaluating whether you need a UC solution. Simply put, unified communications is all about making ...


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